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Facts You Should Know About Hair Gel For Men - GlammedNaturallyOil

Facts You Should Know About Hair Gel For Men

Facts You Should Know About Hair Gel For Men - GlammedNaturallyOil

Facts You Should Know About Hair Gel For Men

Hair gel for men has grown into one of the most widely used hair-styling products, available in a variety of formats across the world, including strong-hold/medium-hold gels, organic and colored ha...

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Can Hypertension Cause Hair Loss? - GlammedNaturallyOil

Can Hypertension Cause Hair Loss?

Hypertension itself comes with its entire baggage of risks including heart disease, damage to kidneys, damage to the brain, but now, hair loss also seems to be added to the list. Most recently, res...

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Can Sleep Deprivation Cause Hair Loss? - GlammedNaturallyOil

Can Sleep Deprivation Cause Hair Loss?

Sleep is something many of us take for granted. But if you dig in a little deeper, you’ll discover that sleep is not just a period of rest. Not getting enough sleep releases the stress hormone cort...

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Bad Habits That Could Harm Your Hair and Scalp That You Stop Immediately - GlammedNaturallyOil

Bad Habits That Could Harm Your Hair and Scalp That You Stop Immediately

Every naturalita’s desire it to have healthy beautiful hair and most of you try to take good care of it by following a daily hair care routine. The hair habits you have all add up, and they show in...

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In the summer, you blame dry hair on the sun and heat. In the winter, you think perhaps cold and wind could be the culprits--stripping your hair’s moisture. And when it comes to your dry hair, thos...

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Natural Hair “A Must” Night Routine - GlammedNaturallyOil

Natural Hair “A Must” Night Routine

We have seen hundreds of blogs about conditioning, shampooing, or styling your natural  hair. Yet to be honest unfortunately, I haven’t heard as many conversations about taking care of the hair at ...

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Signs That You Need To Trim Your Curls - A Must For Every Naturalista - GlammedNaturallyOil

Signs That You Need To Trim Your Curls - A Must For Every Naturalista

Any Naturalistas  trying to grow her hair hates the thought of cutting the ‘dead ends’. Why? They always feel it deprives them of the long hair they so much yearn for; and defeats the purpose of gr...

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