
Things to consider before Choosing The Products For Your Natural Hair
I bet there’s something else they might not have told you when you decided to come on this natural hair journey; getting the right hair products for your precious strands can be such tedious work! ...
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We all know that one of the common causes of set back for most naturals is excessive breakage and shedding. Although, it’s normal to have minimal shedding and breakage while manipulating our hair a...
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Traction alopecia before and after results
Traction Alopecia Before and After 1-3 weeks results HOW TO RECOVER FROM TRACTION ALOPECIA IN 2023 Ok guys I am back again with another hair loss story! I have had my fair share of hair loss. So 4...
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Sealing and Oiling Your Natural Hair
Depending on hair’s porosity, sealing in moisture can be crucial if you want to prevent dry hair. Hair that has high porosity is more prone to dryness, since this type of hair doesn’t seem to retai...
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Why My First Choice Is Ayurvedic Hair Growth Oil For Women?
Only girls with long and thick hair know how lovely it is to have hair like Cinderella. But unfortunately, most of the girls fail the maintain them and cut them off at some point in their life. And...
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3 Best Products For hair Losses I Used To Treat Different Hair Issues
Hair fall or shedding, whatever you say, is not very pleasing to encounter. Not only do they make your appearance worse, but they also increase the risk of scalp issues. Now you might be wondering,...
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