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3 Supplements that actually grow your hair - GlammedNaturallyOil

3 Supplements that actually grow your hair

3 Supplements that actually grow your hair - GlammedNaturallyOil

3 Supplements that actually grow your hair

Taking care your hair goes beyond buying the most expensive hair creams and shampoos off the supermarket shelf or that fab online store! Of course those may work, depending on their quality but you...

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8 Must-have combs for every naturalista and when to use them - GlammedNaturallyOil

8 Must-have combs for every naturalista and when to use them

Combs are a MUST- HAVE for your mane. Infact, they are the first tools you think of when it comes to taking care of your hair and why not, combs help you to take out tangles and get your hair in sh...

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Short hairstyles you can rock when transitioning - GlammedNaturallyOil

Short hairstyles you can rock when transitioning

Many ladies have taken the bold step and done the “Big Chop” which is cutting off all chemically treated hair and leaving only the natural healthy one. If you’re in that category or you are in the ...

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A Simple Trick To Grow Your Edges In 2 -6 Weeks - GlammedNaturallyOil

A Simple Trick To Grow Your Edges In 2 -6 Weeks

First off, is something wrong with your edges?   You have that feeling that it's just not growing the way you want it; your hair keeps breaking especially at the edges when you comb it, it’s not lo...

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How To Find The Right Natural Hair Stylist For Your Hair - GlammedNaturallyOil

How To Find The Right Natural Hair Stylist For Your Hair

Some useful tips to finding the ying (stylist) to your yang (hair)  Going natural is a big step that involves not only your time and effort but your money as well. It can be confusing too; should ...

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Four fabulous yet simple ways to tie a HEADWRAP fashionably - GlammedNaturallyOil

Four fabulous yet simple ways to tie a HEADWRAP fashionably

Headwraps are a major fashion comeback from the 90s and their versatility is just amazing. What’s even better is the fact that they help to transform your bad hair day to a trendy fashion look; wit...

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