
Ingredients that can be Found in your Kitchen to Promote Healthy Hair
Regular hair care treatment can be expensive for some of us especially when visiting the salon but did you know that some of the things that can give your hair shiny and healthier hair can be found...
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Harmful Ingredients That You Should Avoid In Hair Care Products
You walk into your favorite beauty shop and see piles of hair care products on the shelf. You pick up a familiar product that was endorsed by your favorite celebrity, in fact, this product does hav...
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5 + 1 Things to Look out for when Picking Oils for your Natural Hair
Oils are an essential part of any healthy natural hair regimen. Basically, oils are emollients which act to lock up moisture into your natural hair strands.Your natural hair tends to coil up into i...
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Things People Need to Stop Saying to Naturalistas
It feels “oh-so-great!” when you get a compliment about how great your natural hair looks - it feels amazing that someone appreciates all the work you put into maintaining your natural hair, right?...
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Why is it important to scalp care when a protective hairstyle is installed?
Styling your hair is extremely important as it adds self-confidence especially when you are interacting with people every day, but frequent styling can also affect your scalp.There are different ki...
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6 Best Hair Oil For Men’s hair Issues You Must Consider Buying
Whether it's male pattern baldness or thin hair, you cannot look cool and charming with these hair issues. And if you think your regular, chemicalized hair cafe product can handle them, you have a ...
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