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Alopecia Areata - GlammedNaturallyOil

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata - GlammedNaturallyOil

Alopecia Areata

What is Alopecia Areata?It is a condition wherein your body's own immune system attacks the hair follicles (Autoimmune) that can cause hair falls out in small patches, Sudden hair loss that starts ...

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5 + 1 Things to Look out for when Picking Oils for your Natural Hair - GlammedNaturallyOil

5 + 1 Things to Look out for when Picking Oils for your Natural Hair

Oils are an essential part of any healthy natural hair regimen. Basically, oils are emollients which act to lock up moisture into your natural hair strands.Your natural hair tends to coil up into i...

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How To Stop Hair Breakage In Its Tracks - GlammedNaturallyOil

How To Stop Hair Breakage In Its Tracks

Now you know what causes hair breakage and you know to avoid these things, but if you already have hair breakage then how do you stop it? Don’t fret, I’ve got you covered. Here are some tips to sto...

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7 tips for length retention in your natural hair journey - GlammedNaturallyOil

7 tips for length retention in your natural hair journey

On this natural hair journey, one word most commonly thrown around is “SHRINKAGE” Yup, natural hair usually shrinks up to 50% of its actual length, making it look like you have short hair even thou...

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5 Hair Products Every Naturalista Should Have - GlammedNaturallyOil

5 Hair Products Every Naturalista Should Have

The Ultimate List of Must-Have Natural Products for Every Naturalista  If you only recently joined Team Natural then I want to say a big WELCOME to you, you’ve made the right decision. However, yo...

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What to do if you have hair lice - GlammedNaturallyOil

What to do if you have hair lice

Lice are very tiny parasites that can infest your hair and live in it. Lice are mostly contracted through personal contact with someone that has it or through sharing of personal belongings with su...

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