
Short hairstyles you can rock when transitioning
Many ladies have taken the bold step and done the “Big Chop” which is cutting off all chemically treated hair and leaving only the natural healthy one. If you’re in that category or you are in the ...
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A Simple Trick To Grow Your Edges In 2 -6 Weeks
First off, is something wrong with your edges? You have that feeling that it's just not growing the way you want it; your hair keeps breaking especially at the edges when you comb it, it’s not lo...
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10 Hair Myths You Really Need To Throw In The Bin
Most Of us grew up believing hearsays about your hair, spanning from “almost believable,” myth that “stress induces graying hair”, to the “outrageously absurd” ones that if you pluck out a gray ha...
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How To Stop Hair Breakage In Its Tracks
Now you know what causes hair breakage and you know to avoid these things, but if you already have hair breakage then how do you stop it? Don’t fret, I’ve got you covered. Here are some tips to sto...
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How to overcome natural hair shrinkage
Natural hair is prone to shrinkage because the strands tend to wrap or coil around each other or even knot into itself. This makes your hair look shorter than its actual length (it’s so annoying es...
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5 Hair Products Every Naturalista Should Have
The Ultimate List of Must-Have Natural Products for Every Naturalista If you only recently joined Team Natural then I want to say a big WELCOME to you, you’ve made the right decision. However, yo...
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